"Hello Luva!"
"Crash and Burn" A Reflection Upon the Boys From Syracuse
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This poem alas
is becoming a legacy

to make fun of our cast

and rejoice and laugh happily


Those Boys From Syracuse

causing trouble backstage

All four of them crazy

and ready to play


Nicholas T. Schafer

that wonderful guy

#22 Fat

means nothing in our eyes!


Bugsy oh Bugsy

I touched Jen Zak's cleavage!

Mr. Puma giving out lap dances

to even the squeamish


Antipholus of Ephesus

whose hat he claims is Ugly!

is always fun to joke with backstage

when hes not busy kissing somebody


Where's the money Caleb?

umm..I think I left it in the temple!

Hurrah! Hurroh! at least it wasn't



They're not nipples, they're darts!

sure Amy, whatever you say

and Scout's really wearing

underwear underneath her dress


Sister, Luciana! you're in a blue dress again

though this time I'd say, showin a lot more skin

But please folks, back to Adriana,

"My Husband is Delusioniss!"


Though if you Sing for Your Supper

That damn ridiculous trio

the little "Swallow must Swallow" now

according to Erin Diener


"I feel like Thor or something in this hat"

but Mark dear you look adorable

especially with

your pretty, red, sash


And Reuben whose costumes

don't ever change with time

reminds us that "It's all Greek" to the audience

when we don't project our lines


Where's Jose?

He missed his entrance, again

Did they have Lugz

in Ancient Greece?


From gay little Bridget

who never comes out of character

Georgeanne's...is that a beanie?

and Renee whose "mad dogs tongue is

more venomous than the clamor of a womans tooth"


To Kevin the surprise

105 yr. old man

and Adam whose handcuffs

have endless possibilities


While Jen S. is wearing a curtain

and Sean is busy being Lisa's bitch

Sarah looks like Mary Sunshine

and Bill's outfits have us in a stitch


Pretty Little Maids

all sewing in a row

bitching about life

and "cooing" just so


Jean is the ultimate maid and understudy

except when the Oscars are on, but

Rachel and Natalie take the cake

as the ultimate flirts-

when they remember to go on stage


The Lovely Courtesans

Best Dressed in the Show

pissing off the maids

"I Should Say So"


Now if Kelly doesnt fall

and Monica's shoes don't break

maybe the sex kitty

can get her ching just right


It's been fun

"Crashing and Burning" with you

and ya'll came together

and we pulled through

especially in "Diogneeeeeeeeeeees!"


To the seniors making

their final curtain call-

that is if the curtain

comes down at all


"You Have Cast Your Shadow"

on the SJC Stage

and will be very missed,

but "we shall remember..."


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